o1.GeminiPsychedelik Dreams4:07
o2.DynamixFunky C642:05
o3.SpiffI am Lost3:38
o4.SublimeChip 0010:54
o5.DweazleBoulderDash 33:42
o6.Proop2 x 3 = 60:57
o7.PlasmSob Sob Oh Dear C642:38
o8.PhaetonC64 Goes Goa3:36
o9.Amm5 or 87 Fishes0:28
10.QuozUntitled 13:29
11.a0aNothing Fancy (? ... ;)0:38
13.NeoTraxxA Journey Into Chip3:40
16.Thomaz JAll I have to give0:10

This compo was held on 26 April from 20:30 till 22:30 ( 2 Hour-Compo).
The Composers had to make a module from samples, that were spread
in a samplepack. The Pack only contained C64 Samples. That's why
it was called the PraetoniC C64 Compo. There was no Commodore 64
involved ...

Although this compo was again un-announced. It was again a great success.
So check those tunes. And EnJoY The Vibez !

(The Marks Are Not Comparible to PraetoniC's or PmC's Marks)

CopyRighted By Kraiden^Praetonic