Really cewl compo i must say, almost all the entries were very good and
I enjoyed listening to them. Sum People tried goa for the first time and
it is fun to see that people enjoy making tunes for such a compo as this
one. This compo is surely to be continued .... =)
This Compo did has sum problems though, hell ... this compo had them all !
There were people who retreated there entry, there were people who entered
with a tune that wasn't even goa (although Nino came close :), there also
were people who changed there entry into another one and there was this
huge-sized entry that couldn't be downloaded, becauz of the Rotten
Geocities-Server. Another problem with the results was, was that i was
extremely busy with my new vacation-job and they were delayed a bit.
So i'm sorry if i broke your little hearts ;)
Maybe sum of you are now angry, because off your low rank, but that
shouldn't be blamed on me, but on the cewl dudes who had those really
good entries. You can win a bad compo with a bad song, or end up low
with a good tune in a good compo. That were the wise words for now :)
A shame that a lot of people who said they entered didn't. But sum of them
at least tried ... but failed, or couldn't finish in time. Maybe when i'm
back from my 5 week holiday i will give them another chance ;). Hope to
see you all at the PraetoniC Goa Compo 2.